Member Article (Blog) Publication Guidelines

Member Contributions to the SASH Articles (blog)

Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines and our publication requirements

  1. Active Paying Members may submit any number of articles but SASH will endeavor to feature as many different bloggers as possible.
  2. Content should be high quality, compelling, and directed to a clinical or consumer audience.
  3. Content must be:
    • Entirely the work of the member (and any co-authors) submitting the article. Pieces of any submission may have been featured elsewhere, but something fresh should be added, not and cut and paste. It should reflect a new title.
    • It should include excerpts or quotations attributed via a formal reference in APA format; include a reference section if appropriate
    • Supported by scholarly journals (if applicable)
    • At least 600 but no more than 1,200 words
    • Microsoft Word format (no PDFs), single-spaced, free of spelling and grammatical errors; graphs, charts, or other artwork must be in .jpg format and free of copyrights, trademarks, or other restrictions to use
  4. On request, submissions will be accepted using a pseudonym. Given names must be provided to the Executive Director and will be held in confidence.

Article (blog) Submission Guidelines

You warrant and represent that you (and any co-authors) are the sole author(s) of the Work, that you have the full right, power, and authority to grant the rights herein, and that the rights have not heretofore been assigned or otherwise encumbered and are in all respects free and clear; that the Work is your original creation and has not been published before in whole or in part by another author unless duly referenced, is NOT in the public domain, and does NOT infringe the copyright or any other proprietary right of any other party; and that the Work contains no material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, violates any right of privacy, or is otherwise contrary to law.  You understand and affirm that material submitted to SASH for these purposes has not been, nor will be, published elsewhere unless it is cited appropriately.

Submit articles to [sash at sash dot net.] for consideration

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