Webinar Submission

Teach a SASH Webinar

Do you have knowledge of current research, new therapeutic methods and clinical skills? Are you a subject matter expert? Use your knowledge and experience to teach others by presenting in the SASH Webinar Series. SASH seeks to find diverse presentations to help educate professionals or inform the public of problematic sexual behaviors and sexual health topics.
SASH is offering presenters a revenue share for webinars directed to a professional audience. Webinars geared toward a public audience will not include remuneration. In keeping with SASH’s mission, we are creating a library of free webinars for the public addressing a variety of topics on sexual health. In exchange for your generous donation of time and service to SASH, we will include advertising and publicity for you and your organization.
Please use the tabs below to review the helpful information about the submission process before starting your submission.
SASH is approved for home study and live continuing education credits.
Click "Begin Webinar Submission" below to get started on your online submission. All items are required before submittal will be considered. Please use correct spelling and punctuation. If your submission is selected, your online entry is the material for all marketing materials.
Submissions for 2023 are closed. All submissions will be considered for the 2024 schedule. 
Please allow 90 days for submission review by the committee.
Begin Webinar Submission
Submission Requirements
Useful Guidelines

Submission Requirements

In order for a submission to be chosen, the proposal must satisfy the following to meet continuing education requirements and standards: the presenter must qualify as an expert on the subject matter and possess the appropriate credentials to present the material, the subject matter must be directly and primarily related to practice, education or research and enable attendees to remain relevant with the most up to date scientific evidence regarding treatment, assessment and intervention to increase competency and service delivery.

Reasons Submissions Fail to be Accepted
The session description fails to provide a purpose, outcome for attendees or statement that reflects a relationship to learning or improving clinical skills. The session must focus on relevant clinical skills and not promotion of a person, product or treatment. The content is not innovative or novel and does not reflect current trends or research in the field.
Objectives The objectives are not observable or measurable (action verbs) and do not follow APA format. Terms such as learn, know, understand are used versus measurable terms such as list, describe, demonstrate, compare, explain. They do not focus on what the learner will know or be able to do as a result of attending the session. They do not connect to the abstract description. The number of objectives does not meet the requirement of one objective for every 30 minutes of learning.
Presenter The presenter does not possess the appropriate level of expertise or knowledge to address the session content. The education, credentials and experience of the presenter does not qualify them to address the topic.
Relevant Scholarly References The submitted references are not from the last 10 years. The references are not scholarly (from academic journals), The references are not in APA format.
Connection to theme The submission does not fit the theme of the conference or highlight elements of sexual health: cognitive, affective, physical, or spiritual factors.

Useful Guidelines

Proposals should focus on emerging issues of sexual health or problematic sexual behavior including current or prevailing research. We have two target audiences; professionals working in private practice, public health, treatment settings, educators and the general public dealing seeking information. Typically, the professional audience are licensed/certified as behavioral health professionals, allied health professionals, educators, and coaches. (psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, physicians, nurses, coaches).

Take care to enter data accurately, including upper and lower case of letters, correct spelling and punctuation. The information will be used exactly as is listed here in the brochure and other marketing materials, attention to detail is essential to professional submissions.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Requirements •Presenter must disclose any affiliations with commercial interests. Commercial interest is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. Providers of clinical service directly to patients are not considered to be commercial interests – unless the provider of clinical service is owned or controlled by an member with commercial interest. •All presenters are asked to fill out the disclosure form upon submitting the session proposal. •At the beginning of your presentation, provide a disclosure statement or use the slide template provided by SASH. If no slides are used, presenters must make an announcement of any conflicts at the beginning of the session.

Presentation Power Points/Handouts Presentation materials must be submitted for review and approval thirty days before the conference. Failure to submit materials affects accreditation of credits to the session. All handouts or Power Point slides will be uploaded to the SASH website unless SASH is notified to not disclose the materials. Slides may not include commercial or product logos. Exception is organization logos on the first slide introducing the session and the speaker. First slides are not considered part of the educational materials.
Note: SASH believes each content area important to allow for divergent views and broad encompassing training, however, the views expressed by the individual trainers/presenters are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of SASH, its Board or its members.

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